Thursday, July 17, 2014

Best of Autism Tank: Most FB Liked

This week's blog posts are going to be a part of a BEST OF mini series...I am in the process of moving this week so don't have a ton of time to come up with lots of engaging and interesting material, so I figured I'd provide you with some refreshers of my most popular I love figuring out which posts have been most popular with my readers and followers has been kind of fun for me (nerd alert!).

We will cover:
1) Most read post on the blog
2) Most pinned on Pinterest
4) Blog post with the most comments

This simple activity about getting to know school staff got lots of Facebook Loving...I'm even giving away a free template today to go along with this post (something not offered on the original post!)  Click here to get your copy!

One activity my students loved, was learning about different staff members in the school.  We polled all of the staff about their favorite things (like food, color, etc.) and some personal info (their birthdays, names, etc.).

Then we learned about a new person in our school each month.  I created a blank template where we could put a picture of the person as well as answer same basic questions about them.

This activity is great for working on answering questions, learning about others, and increasing social skills.  It also works on perspective taking...a lot of my kids want to answer the questions with THEIR favorites...not the staff this teaches them to understand that other people have different preferences than themselves.

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